
School Subscription


School Subscription



GCSE videos on all topics
GCSE and A level theory mini-webs
GCSE flashcards
GCSE interactive exam questions
GCSE self marking multi-choice questions
GCSE student workbooks (OCR)
A level & GCSE tasks & answer sheets
A level & GCSE starter & plenary tasks
KS3 online student lessons
KS3 lesson plans, answer sheet etc.

Full School subscription:

  • Order form

    Fill in and send us the attached order form via email/fax/post and we’ll send your school’s finance department an invoice with 30-day credit terms.
  • Order by telephone

    Phone us during UK business hours and pay by credit/debit card.

    01473 719628

  • Pay online 12 month subscription (£145)

    Click the button to pay for a subscription using credit/debit card or PayPal.
  • Pay online 3 year subscription (£375)

    Click the button to pay for a subscription using credit/debit card or PayPal.
Full details of what this includes HERE

This is suitable if you are a student wanting to revise but your school does not have a subscription with us.

It offers single-login access to GCSE and A level revision material but not the teacher resources.

NOTE: You cannot download teacher documents with this type of account i.e. worksheets, lesson plans and so on.

Full details of what this includes HERE
  • Pay online £25 for 12 months

    Click the button to pay for a subscription using credit/debit card or PayPal.

For new schools or customers, a pro-forma invoice can be issued to enable a bank transfer or cheque to be raised. We will wait until the bank transfer is confirmed before setting up the subscription.

We do however renew an existing account immediately and issue a standard invoice on 30 day terms as you have already paid in the past.

Resource Subscription Service Terms of Use