4. Extracting & updating data

A simple spreadsheet flat file database might make use of the Autofilter function to select certain records. And also the sort function could re-arrange the data.

If a record needs to added then the Insert Row function is used.

Extracting data

But for more complicated extractions a proper DBMS comes into its own. For example a database might contain sales from various departments over time. It is a simple matter for a DBMS to extract records according to a complicated set of conditions.

A language called SQL has been designed to cope with these complicated queries.

Inserting / changing data

A flat file can only be changed by one person at a time. Usually the first person to open the file has read-write access then anyone else has read-only access.

locked file

This is no good for a busy database.

A DBMS allows many records to be changed at the same time by different people. Sophisticated 'record-locking' ensures that changes do not interfere with one another.

For example if one person is changing a record, then that particular record is 'locked' from anyone else also trying to change it. Once the record is updated, it is released once more. Meanwhile there could be dozens \ hundreds of people changing unrelated records within the database at the same time.

Challenge see if you can find out one extra fact on this topic that we haven't already told you

Click on this link: Record locking

For example a large travel agency would be constantly changing independent records.





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