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2. Using the internet safely

Note: 'safe' means how you feel as well - did that view, click or text affect the way you feel?

It is not just about where you actually are, it is about the way you react and respond to what is happening online.

Read and follow this advice to help you stay safe when using the internet.

Talk to your parents

Speak to your parents about what you will be doing on the Internet.

Agree some rules between you about what sites you are allowed to use, what times of the day you can log on and for how long you are allowed to be online.

Never give out your password

No matter who asks, whether it is a stranger in an email or your best friend, never ever give out your passwords.

Once people have your password they can log into your accounts and post as if it were you. You have no control over what they might say and you are responsible, even if it wasn't you that said it.

Don't give out your contact details

Don't make it easy for strangers to find out who you are and get in touch with you. Keep your contact details private to your friends and family.

Don't download any software without permission

Even if that free game is exactly what you have been after for weeks, don't ever download or install software without checking with your parents first.

Most software is fine and won't cause you any problems. But some sites put up games or things that look interesting so that you will download them. Once you install them, they might have a virus or a key logger which can automatically send details of everything you type to somebody.

Respect peoples' privacy

Just because your phone is able to take photographs and videos - in your head you should ask yourself - 'is this going to harm that person in some way if I post it?'

Try to imagine how you would feel if you found out that a video showing you doing something very embarrassing was posted onto the internet and you didn't know how many people had watched it. You would feel humiliated and might be scared of facing people afterwards.

This is bullying - don't be the person who humiliates others by posting hurtful videos.

Use a child safe web browser

Many web browsers offer a child friendly version. This means that sites have been checked beforehand to make sure that they are suitable. You would be far less likely to accidentally come across a website with inappropriate content.

Respect copyright

Imagine you have a piece of homework that is due in for tomorrow. You think that there is no need to panic because you know that you can find a website and just copy and paste what they have written.

That is a bad idea. Firstly, your teacher will know, they can tell when something isn't written in your own words. Secondly, you haven't done yourself any favours. Yes, you got your homework in on time, but did you actually learn anything? Thirdly, and more importantly, the work on the internet wasn't yours to copy, it belonged to the person who had written it. So effectively, you have stolen their work.

Don't just copy and paste work from the internet. Research, read, understand and then write in your own words.

Use the internet safely and responsibly

While you are going about your everyday life you know what is right and wrong, what you should and shouldn't do.

And the same applies online - be a good, kind online citizen.

Teach-ICT Computer Science