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3. Client side processing pros and cons


  • Web traffic is reduced and so less bandwidth is used.
  • Reduces the load on the server as it does not have to do the processing.
  • Helps ensure that data sent to the server passes validation rules.
  • Interactive widgets, such as a pop-up calendar assists the visitor to enter data correctly.
  • No delays in processing local data.


  • The browser must support Javascript (most do)
  • Javascript has to be enabled in order to run (some users and admins turn it off).
  • Page loading is slower as the Javascript script has to be loaded by the browser.
  • Search engines will find it difficult to index a JavaScript-heavy page, as much of the content is created as the page loads.
  • It needs technical skills to write JavaScript code from scratch, although there are plenty of JavaScript libraries such as JQuery available that reduce this burden.



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Teach-ICT A Level Computer Science OCR H446 client side pros and cons