Legislation: Teacher Resources

Legislation: Lesson Tasks

Information Resources
Copyright, Design, Patents Act Workbook

This workbook includes some more detailed challenging questions than the practice ones.

This is much more relevant to your students than the other Acts, as they are likely to be creating online content, either YouTube or other platforms. And this will have real-life consequences for themselves or more likely their family, as they have the money. They need to be mindful of what they are doing - even outside of this syllabus.

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Copyright Act Scenario

This scenario is realistic - it involves the Copyright Act and also the unexpected success of some enthusiastic students taking the time to post how they play a certain game. If the site is proving popular then the game owners are likely to get in touch regarding renumeration (or a cease and desist)

The scenario is presented, and you have the option of how to approach this situation - from a lawerly point of view (Copyright Act), or from the student's point of view - or both. We leave the challenge to you as a discussion point with your class.

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Computer Misuse Act Workbook

This workbook includes some more detailed challenging questions than the practice ones.

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Data Protection Act Workbook

This workbook includes some more detailed challenging questions than the practice ones.

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RIPA Workbook

This workbook includes some more detailed challenging questions than the practice ones.

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