3. Table, Fields and Records
Mr Tom Smith is 42 years old. He lives in 42 Mill Street London WE1 3GW. His telephone number is 010344044
This information could be a candidate for a database entry. There is specific data within the sentences that can easily be stored in a database.
For example, the green coloured items shown below could be database 'fields'
Mr Tom Smith is 42 years old. He lives in 42 Mill Street London WE1 3GW. His telephone number is 010344044
A 'Field' is a piece of data about a person or item of interest. Each field has a description and data type associated with it.
Fields are kept together as one chunk of data called a 'Record'. In this instance, the record might look like this.
Title | First name | Surname | Address | City | Postcode | Telephone |
Mr | Tom | Smith | 42 Mill Street | London | WE13GW | 010344044 |
The name of each field is shown in blue.
Related records are stored together in a data structure called a 'Table' as shown below
Title | First name | Surname | Address | City | Postcode | Telephone |
Mr | Tom | Smith | 42 Mill Street | London | WE13GW | 010344044 |
Ms | Sandra | Jones | 10 Low Lane | Hull | HU237HJ | 022344033 |
A database is made up of one or more tables.
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