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File formats

3. Internet and files

A major source of document and media files is the Internet.

For example if you go to a music site, you will be able to download an mp3 file. Then once download is complete, the file is ready for you to play back at your convenience. Note you can also stream music and video in real-time but that is another topic.

Another example is if you want the user manual for something. You visit the makers' web site and can usually find a 'document download' area offering manuals in PDF format.

One point to note is that these files take bandwidth to download and so their relative size is important - maybe you are paying an ISP for a monthly data allowance and so have to be mindful of how much you download. Perhaps you have a slow connection, so file size has a large effect on how long you have to wait for it to download.

This is especially true with mobile devices that often have slow connections.

Therefore the efficiency of storing the information is often an important factor in deciding which format to use.