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IP Addressing



A task recapping this lesson, meant to be used as a starter in the following lesson.

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Compare and contrast

A starter activity in which students are given two items and asked to consider the differences and similarities between them

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Questions to ask

A starter task. Students are given a list of categories and asked to write down the questions they would like answered from todays lesson

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Ten questions

A lesson starter activity. A volunteer (either a student or class teacher) is given a slip of paper so they know what they are. The rest of the class can ask up to a maximum of 10 questions to guess what they are. The volunteer can only answer yes or no

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Three two one

Lesson starter. Display this on the whiteboard as students are walking through the door. They can work individually or in pairs to come up with the answers. Good for differentiation as all students should be able to get at least one of the six points.

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Starters or Plenaries

Three facts

A starter or plenary task in which students are asked to write down three facts that they can remember off the top of their heads about the topic.

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What why how

Starter or plenary task. Students are asked three questions framed as What? Why and How?

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Give me 10

A starter or plenary task. Students work in pairs before joining up with another pair to expand their list.

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Just a minute

Starter or plenary task. Students are asked to talk to a partner about this topic for 60 seconds whilst abiding by a set of rules

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Pick me

This provides a differentiated starter or plenary activity. Students are given a question and work in groups to come up with an answer.

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Whats your opinion

Starter and plenary task. Students are given a statement about this topic and asked to discuss their opinion in pairs. At the end of the lesson they can reassess whether their original opinion has changed

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Starter or plenary task. The class test the teacher on their knowledge of key words related to this topic

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A plenary activity. This task follows the traditional Taboo game. Students work in teams with one student from each team having their back to the board. A word is displayed on the board and teams take it in turns to describe the word to the student without actually mentioning the word itself.

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A plenary activity which is loosely based on the game show Mastermind

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Teach me about

Lesson plenary. Students become the teacher! One student is tasked with preparing a five minute revision starter about this topic for the beginning of the following lesson.

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Teach-ICT A level Computer Science OCR H446 IP addressing starter plenary