KS3 Assessment
Assessing pupils' progress - in pupil speakAvaialble in an editable Word version or Google docs format Reproduced with kind permission from Mark Clarkson |
APP, Functional Skills and Teach-ICT units mapped to the new curriculum
Kindly contributed by David Senior
Word cloud display posters for KS3 APP CriteriaA fantastic set of word cloud displays for the KS3 APP criteria. These would make both informative and attractive displays. For the best results them on photographic paper for a professional looking display which will retain the depth of colours used. Otherwise, print on paper and possibly laminate. Kindly contributed by Andy Colley |
KS3 Assessment CalculatorThis calculator will calculate a grade based on the units covered and give the average level. It is advisable to deliver as many units as possible in order to ensure coverage of the National Curriculum. However, it gives staff the option of spending more time on certain units e.g. File Management for less able groups and not doing other units especially where the same APP criteria is repeatedly met by one or more units. Kindly contributed by David Senior
VAK learning styles assessmentThis is a superb resource which enables you to determine your students' preferred learning styles (based on Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences) Kindly contributed by David Dance
AFL QuestionsWe all understand the importance of using good questions for AFL. Here is a list of some questions that could be used. |
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