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2. Why network computers?

A computer connected to a network is known as a 'work-station'

Sharing hardware peripherals

At home, your computer might be connected to its own printer and scanner. This works well as you are the only person who will be using them. Much of the time though, they probably aren't being used and just lie idle. A computer which isn't connected to a network is known as a 'stand-alone'

In a school or an office, it would cost a lot of money for every computer to have its own printer and for the majority of the time, like your printer at home, it wouldn't be used.

By joining computers together to form a network, they are able to share one printer. This means that more money can be spent buying a better quality printer and that the printer is being used much more of the time.

Sharing files

Networks allow you to share files with other users. You might have a folder at school called the 'shared area' or something similar. This is often where teachers might put documents or resources that they want you to use during the lesson. All students can open these resources and save them to their own area, but they usually can't alter the original copies in the shared area.

In many organisations, some workers might have permission to alter the documents in the shared area. This means that they can work collaboratively on a project or document and each person can update it as required.


Challenge see if you can find out one extra fact on this topic that we haven't already told you

Click on this link: Computer Network



Teach-ICT OCR GCSE Computing - computer networks, LAN, WAN